03 October 2008

Water Is Life 水是生命之源

Next to oxygen, water is the most important nutrient for life. Over two-thirds of your body is made up of water, and your brain, your most vital organ, is approximately 85 percent water.
Water regulates body temprature, is responsible for the transport of nutrients and wastes around the body and is crucial in maintaining a healthy and balanced homeostasis (control and regulation of the body's functions). Despite how vital this substance is to our health and survival, most of us, and especially the oldest of us, do not drink enough water to enjoy the best of health.
  • 水是生命之源
  • 人体内含有百分之八十的水份
  • 水能调节地球的温度,同时也能调节人体的体温
  • 水也是负责将营养与氧气运输至人体内各部份的细胞组织
  • 水能清除人体内的杂质,而且有助于新陈代谢的作用

Drink For Your Health 饮用水与您的健康

Replenishing our bodies with soft drinks, coffee and tea is not appropriate as they often contain sugar and caffeine both of which increases the level of metabolism, lead to further dehydration and act as diuretics. Diuretics cause our bodies to eliminate more water than they provide.

Eight full glasses of fresh, clean water are the bare minimum for optimum health and well being. Distilled water does not contain essential minerals that are naturally occurring and important to our health.
  • 汽水,咖啡或茶都含有糖和兴奋剂(咖啡因/茶硷)的成份
  • 糖和兴奋剂(咖啡因/茶硷)都是人体的利尿剂,使人体大量脱水而加速新陈代谢
  • 纯水或蒸馏水所含的天然矿物质不足,而这些天然矿物质对人体是非常重要的
  • 人体每天都须要八杯干净而且有营养的水

The Problem 水质被污染的问题

Even when water is properly treated by a municipality, much can happen to it between the treatment plant and your tap. Contamination can occur due to old or leaking water mains, from storage tanks, from pesticides or industrials chemicals, even from lead plumbing or solder inside your home.

In these ways and more, water can become contaminated with organic contaminants, mercury, industrial chemicals and pesticides, along with bacteria and viruses. Even if water does not have an unpleasant taste or odour, these contaminants may still be present in your tap water.
  • 空气与环境的污染都直接影响到我们的水质
  • 从蓄水池到我们家中的自来水也潜伏着被污染的可能性
  • 以下是自来水被污染的几个可能性: 旧或泄漏的输水管/水箱,杀虫剂,工业化学原料(铅/水银/化学物),细菌与病毒的潜伏,家里陈旧的水管
  • 就算自来水无异味或颜色,并不代表没被污染

Potential Household Water Contaminants 污染水质的来源

Coarse and Fine Particulates
Dirt, pipe scale, sand, clay, etc.

Often added during municipal water treament, chlorine has an unpleasant taste and odour.

Chloroform, Trihalomethanes (THMS)
By-product of chlorine disinfection.

Compounds — such as pesticides, herbicides, industrial solvents, lead and mercury — that may enter from soil or through leaking pipes.

Cysts, like Cryptosporidium and Giardia lamblia that may escape municipal water treatment.

Bacteria / Viruses
Disease-causing micro-organisms may enter through leaky pipes or storage tanks.
  • 粗细的杂质粒子 尘土,管垢,砂土,泥巴等等
  • 通常在滤水厂处理时添加于水中,有令人不悦的口感与气味
  • 氯仿,三卤甲烷(THMS)用氯消毒所馀的副产物
  • 化学品可能由土壤或破裂水管渗入的化合物,例如:杀虫剂,除草剂,工业用溶剂,铅与水银等等
  • 原生动物胞囊括滤水厂处理时可能无法消灭胞囊,例如:隐鞭胞子虫胞囊及梨形虫胞囊
  • 细菌 / 病毒可能至病的微生物,可能由渗漏的水管或蓄水库进入

Cornell EC 3000 Oxygen Energy Water System Cornell EC 3000 氧气能源水系统

The Cornell EC 3000 puts your water through a series of 6 special filters to produce high quality water. With the busy & hectic lifestyles of today, the Cornell Oxygen Energy Water System is a convenient solution to ensure your family’s well-being.

A good supply of oxygen is essential to proper functioning of body's cells, blood and vital organs. Oxygen Energy Water eliminates posion from cells, strengthens body immune system and helps us prevent from diseases.

Cornell Oxygen Energy Water System uses magnetite to resonate and activate water into the smallest cluster of water molecule and produces high Oxygen Energy Water. It carries high capacity of oxygen and activates human organ cells. Energy resonates and exercises cells to excrete poison and gain metabolism. Meanwhile the cells rapidly absorb the body needed nutrition and water substance. Oxygen Energy Water System can adjust acid and alkaline value into alkalized water and make it a soft, clean and refreshing drink.

Water is the source of life. About 80% of the human body is water so we can see that water is indeed vital to healthy human life.

Water helps regulate the Earth’s temperature. It also regulates the Earth’s temperature of the human body, carries nutrients & oxygen to cells, cushions joints, protects organs and tissues, and removes wastes. It is clear that drinking & using healthy water is important to you and your family.
  • 这个系统使用方便,非常适合忙碌的现代家庭
  • Cornell EC 3000 氧气能源水系统设有六个特别不同功能的滤水器处理食水
  • 通过六个特别不同功能的滤水器来改进食水的水质
  • Cornell EC 3000 氧气能源水系统通过能源转换系统分解水份的分子群,使之体积变小,而吸收更多氧气
  • 长期饮用高氧气成份的食水,对人体内各部份的细胞组织和主要的器官功能,是最佳的元素
  • 氧气能源水能消除掉潜伏在水果与蔬菜之中的杀虫剂,而且延长它们的新鲜度

02 October 2008

Oxygen Energy Water Good for Health 喝氧气能源水的好处

Oxygen Energy Water is an environmental protector of inside human body.

The oxygen energy water eliminates posion from cells, strengthens body immune system and helps us prevent from disease increases inside body to create energy to make athletes quickly restored physical vigor and this safe drink provides the expectant mother and baby with a health care and gets the patient's body faculties recovered soon. It is a 21st century of the most authoritative product in the biochemistry and environmental protection field.

The mineral elements create the water mineral substance which is good for animals and plants. The water molecule cluster has a strong permeability into cells, carrying a high oxygen capacity to promote metabolizing and removes accumulated toxins and improves health.

The Oxygen Energy Water helps to prevent health problems due to heart and blood circulation, it also revitalizes your body cells (Your body cells rapidly absorb the body needed nutrition and water substance from the Oxygen Energy Water)
  • 氧气能源水是人体内部的环境保护者
  • 氧气能源水的高氧气成份,使人体内各部份的细胞组织能更快速的吸收到营养物与矿物质
  • 它能清除人体内的杂质与毒素,增强人体的免疫系统,而且有助于新陈代谢的作用
  • 氧气能源水对以下几种病症有帮助: 消化不良,高血压,失眠症,糖尿病和心脏病

The First Cartridge: Purification & Anti-Bacteria System

NSF certified activated carbon removes unpleasant odours and colours, while natural mineral stones regulate mineral content. Effectively removes rough sediment, inhibits the growth of germs and purifies the inlet water. Decompose the water molecule into smaller clusters and water is easy to be taken by follow up systems.

The Second Cartridge: Precise Porcelain Filtration System

The world's best impregnated ceramic filter, which has been awarded NSF certification, thoroughly removes bacteria and impurities like dirt, silt and rust. To quarantine 0.3~0.6 micron smaller sludge, rust and chemical matters. To make water alkalized and separate varied bacteria and impurities.

The Third Cartridge: Ion Exchange Mineral System

High-density NSF certified activated carbon combined with with natural magnetic stones help balance the water to a mild alkaline level and increase the number of calcium ions to further enhance health.Provides ion water-soluble mineral substances & micro-elements which help the balance of biochemical faculties on human inner systems. They promote activating enzyme function, cells metabolism and immune system of human body.

The Fourth Cartridge: Absorption System

Composed of NSF certified Grade A activated carbon and a KDF metal ion converter (meeting the standards stipulated by FDA and EPA of the United States), this filter completely removes heavy metals, chlorine, and other chemical contaminants. Adopts positive ion exchange resins & highly condensed active carbon block remove chermical carcinogens, industrial pollution, posion, and organic chemicals.

The Fifth Cartridge: KDF Water Purification System

The CE2000PI Energy Conversion technology of Japan effectively breaks water molecules into the smallest possible clusters; making it easier for our body to absorb. It also increases the dissolved oxygen content in the water. Adopts professional KDF media and high absorption granular active carbon remove chlorine, heavy metals iron, hydrogen sulfide and other contaminants from water. This process change water into purification status.

The Sixth Cartridge: Energy Converter System

A high-tech ID2 energy stabilizer with far infrared technology continuously vibrate & resonate with water that can make water molecules into smaller clusters. The smaller water clusters keep absorbing oxygen and allow the water to remain active and fresh condition for a prolonged period of time.

EC3000 6-stages Filtration Process

NSF & Other Agency Approval

PSB Test Report